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I Can't Wait
to Meet You

Let our journey together begin.

The Pre-Visit

My pricing is designed for simplicity and transparency—I work on an hourly, all-inclusive rate of $130/hour.


Please come to your appointment with clean, dry hair with minimal product as you often wear your hair.  This gives me information on your hair's natural pattern and what you work with on a daily basis.


 If you feel inspired by a photo or two, please bring them and share.  Art inspires art. 

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The Consultation

 Whether you are a first time or loyal client, we will sit down and discuss everything about your hair from your lifestyle to tone, styling time, what you're interested in changing, what you love, maintenance, the list goes on and on.


  After discussing, I will repeat everything back to you to confirm we are both going for the same look.


 I do not currently calculate your consultation time in your final payment.  

After Goodbye

 More than likely, you'll hear from me within the week to check in how your new style is going and if you have any home styling questions.


 Also, who doesn't love a selfie?  If you ever feel inclined, I love receiving your love for your hair over e-mail or text or any social media.  It makes my day!

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